Understanding enmeshment trauma

Understanding enmeshment trauma

Children who grew up with poorly defined or loose boundaries may have experienced family enmeshment, which can lead to enmeshment trauma. In this article, we hope to provide insights into family enmeshment and how families can recognise or recover from it.


Understanding People Pleasers

Understanding People Pleasers

'People pleaser' is a term that is so commonly used but to what extent do you actually know what it means? In this article, we explore some possible causes of people pleasing, the impact of being a people pleaser, and how one can start to manage some boundaries to allow themselves to have space and time to do what they actually want. 


Debt of gratitude: Where is a balance?

Debt of gratitude: Where is a balance?

As one’s child grows into their own person, the role that the caregivers played previously may not necessarily be relevant in the child’s life anymore. However, when should caregivers step back and let their children experience the world independently? In this article, we discuss some factors that can affect the caregiver-child relationship when the child becomes an adult and how caregivers can manage the transition. 


Let's talk about Bystander Effect

Let's talk about Bystander Effect

Have you ever witnessed an emergency situation, discrimination, and/or violence or aggression but did not take any action to help? This phenomenon is known as the bystander effect, and it is a common occurrence that can have serious consequences.
