For the pursuit of developing our own psychoanalytic sensibilities, and making use of the group process to learn and facilitate better understanding of psychoanalytic theory.
There is a dearth of useful and accessible resources for both the seasoned psychoanalytic/psychodynamic psychotherapist or the budding psychotherapist keen on building and maintaining their own personal capacities for the analytic method. Here in Singapore, there is close to no such setups or that these setups may have just been functioning on their own underground, and exists no way to easily get in touch with to build that much needed analytic community.
What are psychoanalytic study groups?
Study groups are not peer supervision groups nor are they group therapy. Rather, we define them as a space where like-minded psychotherapists keen on learning about the psychoanalytic technique can gather on a regular basis such that each group may work through theoretical papers, and other related materials. These groups are focused on the subject matter, and discussions may take the form of questioning the issues that are raised or more in-depth clarification about how these issues reflect in one's own professional practice. Of course these are just some examples, but they are also determined by what the group is comfortable discussing or decides to focus on.
Does it have to be formal?
Not at all. These study groups are meant to be little spaces that can assist us to build that therapeutic community, and get some inter-professional support by way of sharing and encouragement. It is suggested to be run more informally, so that each member may feel at ease enough to discuss issues related to the material. Besides, your members could agree on bringing along some food and drink, whilst meeting up at someone's home.
How long does it run for and how often do we meet?
It really depends on how often the group decides to meet and everyone's availabilities. It does not have to be a "hard and fast", rigid way of planning these meets.
How can I join a group?
Of course you can! But the suggestion is that since these groups can fill up pretty quickly, it might be a good idea to grab a bunch of similarly minded therapists and form up your own group. Then each group can function on their own and at convenience of their own schedule.
What's the big idea behind forming these groups?
The big picture about these study groups may be to be able to link up with each other, such that more material could be shared around, or even agree on studying some popular or relevant material. These groups may assist each other steer the entire movement, and function as one whole gestalt. There's also talk of the possibility of banding together to meet perhaps once every while so that a larger group study may take place. Ultimately, if there is also a chance we could turn these little spaces into a larger shared space, we may be able to see a local psychoanalytical association take shape. Let's see.
Keen on more information or looking to start your own study group, find out more through the Psychoanalytic Association of Singapore (PAS).
Kindly contact the PAS at
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