Talking through your difficulties can help with mental health issues, psychological, and emotional challenges.
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Psychotherapy Heals
There are times in all our lives when our emotions feel overwhelming, and we can even become unwell with a mental health problem. Having psychotherapy can help us to better understand ourselves and to work through our difficulties.
Having some psychotherapy is just about the most significant and interesting thing you could do to improve your chances of contentment - in relationships, at work, and with friends and family. It is not only reserved for the select few who are highly disturbed, but for individuals like you and me.
Psychotherapy consists of meeting with a psychotherapist on a regular basis for sessions that last fifty minutes. This stable, confidential structure gives you and your therapist the chance to connect with and understand what is happening at a deeper level. By being so generous with time, attention and thought, psychotherapy can bring about authentic and lasting change, even when working with substantial emotional difficulties.
It is for any person(s) struggling with issues, in relation to:
trauma, traumatic stress, and post-traumatic stress
separation and loss
anger management
emotional pain
losing control over strong emotions
relationship issues (partner, marital, work, social)
work stress
interpersonal and object attachment issues
intimacy and sexual issues
chronic self-reliance
compulsive care giving
guilt and shame
chronic pain
chronic health illnesses
lifestyle changes - retirement adjustment, relocation
trauma, neglect and abuse (physical, emotional, sexual)
obsessive-compulsive concerns
self-identity and acceptance
gay, lesbian, transgender issues
disturbed thoughts and feelings
terror and despair
end of life issues
search for meaning
anxiety and mood issues
psychosomatic and health issues (e.g., Type-2 Diabetes, insomnia, headaches)
substance use concerns (alcohol or other drug)
eating issues
sexual dysfunction (e.g., erectile dysfunction)
schizophrenia and psychosis
personality disorders (characteristical problems, leading to interpersonal difficulties with others)
Adolescent and Young Adult-related disorder issues:
anxiety disorders
mood disorders
attention-deficit and hyperactivity
selective mutism
night terrors
enuresis and encopresis (elimination problems)
reactive attachment disorder
disinhibited attachment disorder
emergent personality issues
Therapy Approaches Offered @ TPP
As we recognise that no one suffers the same way, we have available an array of evidence-based and practice-based forms of therapy that is best suited for your unique set of issues. So, whether you are an individual, couple, family or group, therapy is meant to be tailor-made to meet the needs of your specific concerns.
Psychodynamic/ Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy examines one's background and internal sense of self and other. By building one's capacity for awareness of unconscious desires and psychological defences, one may develop insight and resolve their difficulties. Establishing itself as an evidence-based therapy, research has found that it is effective and clients report ongoing change as much as 12-months after completing therapy.
It differs from most other therapies in aiming for deep seated change in personality and emotional development which comes about by increasing awareness of a client’s inner world and the influence this has over all relationships, both past and present.
Occasionally, the treatment might be of short duration during a period of crisis but generally speaking psychodynamic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy is best considered as a longer-term treatment involving a significant commitment for both patient and therapist.
This type of therapy can help with a variety of psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, relationship problems, post-traumatic stress and personality difficulties. It can also help people who are experiencing a loss of meaning or seeking a greater sense of fulfilment in their life.
Art therapy helps children, adolescents, and adults explore their emotions, improve self-esteem, manage addictions, relieve stress, improve symptoms of anxiety and depression, and cope with a physical illness or disability.
Art therapists work with individuals, couples, and groups. No artistic talent is necessary for art therapy to succeed, because the therapeutic process is not about the artistic value of the work, but rather about finding associations between the creative choices made and a client's inner life. The artwork can be used as a springboard for reawakening memories and telling stories that may reveal messages and beliefs from the unconscious mind.
Drawing on the three main areas, Attachment Theory is used to understand disorganised states and its links to Borderline Personality. Psychoanalytically, the role of trauma and shame is explored, and systemic ideas on the person's role in society are used as a way to make meaning of clients' struggles and establish ways of managing their issues for long-term gain.
An evidence-based therapy for the treatment of maladaptive emotional schemas and personality disorders. This mode incorporates many strong components from various therapies and is lauded to be useful to assist in identifying schema triggers, surrender and overcompensation responses.
Emotion Focused Therapy is an empirically-supported psychotherapy approach that views emotions as centrally important in human functioning and therapeutic change. An emotion-focused approach promotes emotional awareness, expression, regulation, understanding and transformation of emotion and the development of empathy as a path to health and well-being in individuals and couples. It is an evidence-based approach to the treatment of problems in living and interpersonal problems and is dedicated to the scientific study of the process of human change in therapy.
Having established itself as an evidence-based early intervention for assisting parents in their role in managing their children in a safe, respectful and effective way, it has been shown to increase attachment and security. This therapy mode is popular amongst parents who suffer from their own personal insecurities as well. For a comprehensive description of the COS Parenting program, visit Circle of Security International.
CBT assumes that your thoughts impact your feelings, and thus your behaviours. By challenging unhelpful cognitive assumptions, one may interpret the world more rationally. Viewed by most as being evidence-based, this is a staple on every clinical psychologist's background.
ACT as it is fondly referred to provides a structured way of assisting clients to learn to notice and accept their experiences, and change their relationship they have with their struggles. By a process of defusion, one learns to relinquish control and make a plan toward committed change.
This mode of therapy focuses on promoting mindfulness as opposed to mindlessness, techniques are used to assist with stilling oneself and nurturing a sense of awareness of one's internal and external experience. Research supports the effectiveness of mindfulness to aid in a range of psychological and physical ailments.
As a safe and ethically respectful practice, our TPP Therapy Agreement and Telehealth Consent Policy applies.
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