#12DaysOfXmas Day 4: What is your Attachment Style in pictures!

Day 4: Let's look at a fun way to learn what we're like - by reading comics!

We found an interesting comic strip on JennyDrewSomething that depicts our attachment styles in a playful way.  Check out the site that melds art and meaningful communication, creating fun narratives.  Have fun!

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The webmaster is an author and Preventions Keyworker for B&NES Youth Offending Service, and she had always loved comics.  Since obtaining her Advanced Diploma in the Therapeutic Application of the Arts, she have been using cartoons as a therapeutic storytelling tool with young people.  More than just sci-fi and superheroes, everyday narratives and themes can be explored through text and image, in a way that is accessible and unthreatening.  Through understanding this visual language, young people are able to express their own ideas using the comic form.
