Sibling rivalry refers to the competition, jealousy, and conflicts that can occur among blood-siblings, step-siblings, and foster siblings. It is normal and common for children who share living spaces, resources, and the attention of caregivers. In this article, we seek to explore the causes of sibling rivalry, what parents can do to encourage conflict resolution between the kids, and the ways parents can help their kids get along better.
Understanding children in grief
Although the process of grieving may look different between individuals and age groups, it is important for one to be supported during these difficult times. In this article, we will explore how children experience grief, how it may manifest to an observer, and offer guidance on supporting children through the grieving process.
Understanding the Lasting Impact of Child Abuse
Following our previous article on child abuse, this article will delve deeper into various impact of child abuse and how it can potentially affect the individual in the long run.
Child abuse: What we know and what can we do?
Child abuse is a prevalent issue that affects many children all around the world. In this article, we look at the type of child abuse, risks factors, the impact on the child, and prevention.