
Free TPP CPD Watchparty - Going online in a time of COVID19

Free TPP CPD Watchparty - Going online in a time of COVID19

Anyone can tune into the party via Zoom. A weekly 4-part series in collaboration with the Psychoanalytic Association of Singapore (PAS) where we can sit, watch and learn. Just add popcorn and choice of beverage.


#qotd - On Emotional Suppression + How to Recover

#qotd - On Emotional Suppression + How to Recover

Our emotional responses to triggers can sometimes go under. Here's our 8-Steps to Recovery.


Self-Harm: Why? What for? How then?

Self-Harm: Why? What for? How then?

Let's look at the multiple ways of understanding this complex phenomena.


Do I sit-up or lie-down on the couch?

Do I sit-up or lie-down on the couch?

Thoughts on the couch (pun intended)... no seriously, it is about the couch!
