Step 1: Identifying change

Happy New Year everybody! 

It has been an action-packed and drama-filled year. The covid-19 situation has got us working from home, going back to the office, then working from home again. Being able to dine-in, then not, then dining-in again. The constant changes that have been made to adapt to the ever-evolving covid-19 situation seemed never ending and many everyday activities became luxuries of the past. However, it seems as though all the things that used to be almost impossible are rapidly becoming possible. 

As we start the new year, new year resolutions seem to be one of the hottest topics around this time. Making goals, creating new routines, and buying all the relevant things to reach your goals… sounds familiar? If so, take a quick minute, let us reflect on the last time you tried to do the same thing. In the last year, did you manage to achieve what you wanted to? If yes, congratulations! Your effort and commitment in making the changes are commendable. If not, did you figure out the reason for not achieving your goals? 

In this 4-part series, we will be taking you on a step-by-step journey to eventually achieve your goals. 

As we plan for our new goals and think about the changes that we want to make, there are some steps that we can take to ensure that we are prioritizing and working on the things that we want to. Before we dive into the complexities of sorting out what we truly want, find a place where you can jot down your answers. These answers are to help you make specific goals and take the steps to reach them. 

With that in mind, let us start our goal setting journey with the million dollar question… What do I want? The following are some prompters to help you decide on this goal: 

Which aspects of my life do I want to change? 

  1. Health: Do I want to be more physically active? Do I want to have a healthier diet? 

  2. Sense of belonging: Am I spending enough time with people who mean the most? Do I want to connect with more people?

  3. Sense of achievement: Which parts of my life give me the most satisfaction? Do I want to achieve more in that aspect? 

  4. Independence: Do I feel in-charge of my life?

  5. Enjoyment: What do I do for fun? Am I having enough fun? 

After deciding on the aspect of life that you want to work on, answer these questions: 

  1. What kind of person will I be after making these changes? 

  2. Will these changes make me happy?

  3. Will these changes make the people around me happy?

  4. What are the things that are stopping me from making these changes? 

  5. Do I really want these changes? 

With that, we conclude with the first part of change, which is to decide what you want to change and achieve. From now till the next time we meet, think about how much you will be willing to sacrifice to make these changes.
