How we feed anxiety in our own children despite our best intentions

How we feed anxiety in our own children despite our best intentions

Happy Mothers' Day to all mum's and your hardwork - you do much more for us than you know!

There are many things even the most concerned and well-intentioned parent might do that inadvertently grows anxiety in their children.  What follows may be the familiar frustration and disappointment that parents themselves feel about their own parenting capacities, or a view that their children are non-compliant or worse, inherently weak.  Let's have a look...


How do we teach toddlers to handle their emotions?

How do we teach toddlers to handle their emotions?

When we tell kids not to cry, we send the message that crying is unacceptable, when, in fact, it is a normal and helpful response to expressing sadness.  Here's how to encourage your child’s expression of feelings.  


"Frieda" - Lessons on Transference and Countertransference

"Frieda" - Lessons on Transference and Countertransference

The impetus of me writing this up is for the benefit of those who would like to hear or learn more about psychodynamic work, and thinking.  Also, it gives a chance for this work to be in some way showcased and digested, where typically it remains in raw shadows.  May I ask then for readers to kindly respect the material, and use this as a way to expose oneself to some of the language.  References are included for convenience.  So, please bear with the length of this post.

If you find this useful to any degree, do like, share, subscribe, drop me an email here or leave a comment.


Evidence-based, effective Psychodynamic Therapy!

Evidence-based, effective Psychodynamic Therapy!

"There is now enough research available to support the claim that psychodynamic therapy is an evidence-based treatment with effect sizes similar to or superior to those reported for other psychotherapies." (p. 3)

Great article in the Sept 2010 edition of the Harvard Mental Health Letter. An excellent resource for patients considering psychoanalysis or psychoanalytic therapy.
