Popular Psychology Blog (PLOG) Singapore — The Psychology Practice

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A guide to navigating conversation

A guide to navigating conversation

In this article, we briefly explore why certain questions can be uncomfortable and ways to handle such situations with empathy. It is important for one to be aware of how impact of their words and for others to not assume the worst of intentions. Let us all take a moment, to foster a supportive and inclusive environment during this time. 


Loneliness during festive season

Loneliness during festive season

While many are immersed in the festivities, others may find it challenging to reconcile the season's merriment with their emotional struggles. In this article, we explore the challenges of loneliness during the holidays and offer strategies to navigate this period with compassion and self-care.


Understanding siblings rivalry

Understanding siblings rivalry

Sibling rivalry refers to the competition, jealousy, and conflicts that can occur among blood-siblings, step-siblings, and foster siblings. It is normal and common for children who share living spaces, resources, and the attention of caregivers. In this article, we seek to explore the causes of sibling rivalry, what parents can do to encourage conflict resolution between the kids, and the ways parents can help their kids get along better.
