Riding on Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices efforts to promote a more inclusive workplace, this article seeks to shed light on the need to increase inclusivity for people with mental health disorders in the workplace.
Understanding and managing burnout
Have you ever felt overwhelmed and tired to the extent that you found it hard to carry out your daily tasks? Do you find yourself caught in cycles of extremely low energy, annoyance, and irritability? In that case, you might be experiencing burnout. In this article, we hope to shed light on how to recognise burnout and tips one might find helpful to avoid experiencing burnout.
The relationship between animals and mental health
As we all know, animals make excellent companions and being around them can help reduce anxiety and stress levels. In this article, we explore the benefits of animals on our physical and mental health and how animals can be used in therapy.
Understanding hoarding and its implications
Hoarding can be harmful to an individual as well as their relationships with people around them, bringing about many risks including house fires, infestations, trips/falls, less access for emergency services, and even mental health concerns such as depression and anxiety. With the implications that hoarding can bring, this article seeks to shed some light on what hoarding is, some signs that are common among hoarders, and how others can support them.