2019 Psychotherapy Workshops
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in a time-limited world
An Exploration of Human Subjectivity with Prof. Robert Schweitzer
A 2-Day introductory workshop in Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
3rd - 4th October 2019
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in a Time-Limited World - An Exploration of Human Subjectivity with Prof. Robert Schweitzer
The workshop will provide an introduction to short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy. It will draw upon the Core Conflictual Relationship Model (CCRT), originally developed by Lestor Luborsky, which appreciates the role of unconscious material, defence mechanism, childhood experience, and the notion of repetition. The CCRT method is designed to offer symptom relief and limited, but meaningful character change within a 16-session format. While the psychodynamic roots of the approach are critical, the method allows the approach to be integrated into a range of psychotherapeutic practices in working with adults presenting with a range of difficulties, including more severe psychopathology.
Participants will be provided with opportunities for working in small groups, and with appropriate consent, draw upon their own clinical experience to practice the components which will be covered over the course of the 2-day workshop. The small groups will allow participants to gain experiential knowledge in identifying each of the components of the CCRT model. This includes an understanding of the underlying theory, assessing suitability of clients for this methodology, arriving at a formulation, and gaining an understanding of the process of working through, and termination, as this applies to short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy.
This workshop is recommended for psychotherapists – including psychiatrists and allied health professionals such as psychologists, counsellors, and social workers who are keen to incorporate psychodynamic thinking and technique into their work with clients.
Please download the workshop flyer here.